Clubs & Societies


Welcome to Clubs & Societies!

The department is also in charge of clubs within the school currently we have the following clubs

  • Home makers club
  • Wildlife club
  • The Bible club
  • Drama club
  • Music club
  • Art club
  • Computer club
  • Journalism club
  • Chess and Scrabble club
  • Science club
  • Scout movement

In addition we conduct debate,mjadala and quizzes which are normally done on Friday afternoon. We participate in inter-school quizzes debate and mjadala.
Every year we participate in different competition starting with music festival where we post exemplary result this year we have managed to go up to the National presenting a lower primary set- piece.
We have a great interest in music we have a music professional teacher who co-ordinates the music club doing great job.
Every year we have our school sports day which has been a great day out with our parents where talents are exposed to the fullness.

God Bless